Natural Gas Geoscience ›› 2005, Vol. 16 ›› Issue (2): 127-142.doi: 10.11764/j.issn.1672-1926.2005.02.127

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DAI Jin-xing, QIN Sheng-fei, TAO Shi-zhen, ZHU Guang-you, MI Jing- kui   

  1. (Research Institute of Petroleum Exploration and Development, Pe troChina, Beijing 100083, China)
  • Received:2005-04-04 Revised:2005-04-06 Online:2005-04-20 Published:2005-04-20


 The gas industry in China shows excellent developing trends: firstly, from count ry poor in natural gas to the one rich in it. In 2005, the gas output has reache d near 500×108 m3; secondly, the theory of natural gas exploration develops  from monism(oil type gas-generating theories) to dualism(oil-type and coal-f ormed gas-generating theories); thirdly, the increasing gas output calls for st rengthening in natural gas exploration and development. During the past more tha n 20 years, the natural gas geological theories have developed much: The coal me asure source rocks mainly generate gas with minor oil; the identification index  with high credibility and accuracy on various natural gases have been set up; th e studies on the controlling factors of great gas field formation, by quantifica tion or semi-quantification; the carbonate with TOC content about or lower than  0.2% can hardly be regarded as sources rocks and the TOC content of effective c arbonate source rocks must reaches or more than 0.5%. Not only the abiogenic gas  exists in the nature, but also can it form gas pools. Several CO2 gas pools h ave been found in eastern basins of China. And the first abiogenic alcane gas re servoir in the world has been.

Key words: China, Natural gas industry, Developing trends, Natural gas geological theories, Progress.

CLC Number: 

  • TE12

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